I want to get back to drawing everyday

For a year or so I drew almost everyday. Because I wanted to be great at drawing or ate least get better at it. However that was about 3 years or so ago. I have not drawn much since.

Probably because I spend to much of my free time reading. There is more to life than reading. I want to get better at drawing.

I am not sure yet exactly what I want to draw. Maybe insects, plants, nature.

Oh, and I also want to get better at photography. I am sure it would be fun to take pictures of flowers, bees, bugs and nature.

I suppose I think that if I wish that I want to get better at drawing and photography I will get better at it. What need to do is practice.

I also want to get better at science. Biology, physics, math, chemistry. I am not very knowledgeable about all of those subjects.

This is a 1966 Datsun 100 B20 I made with blender

Its low poly. I had trouble figuring out how the front was supposed to lock so I tried my best. It was fun to make. It did not take me that long to model. Maybe it looks like it did not take me a long time to model.

Its fun to model a low poly car. At least I got something modeled. I want to get projects made. I have used blender since version 2.42. I should be a blender power user by now.

Today I played the new update of retro bowl

There is one new route that a receiver can run. The receiver runs straight ahead a little and then stops. So I suppose it might be a wide receiver screen but, its not.

I played on extreme and it seems that my defense had a lot more stops for field goals than usual. Either I drafted good or they made it so its harder for the computer to score.

Oh, my quarterback got injured. I tried a game without him and I lost 78-0. I wanted to see if I could score a touchdown without my quarterback however I could not. I threw a lot of interceptions in that game. Ouch.

I want to start modeling low poly vehicles

And the first vehicle I am going to model is a Datsun 1000 B20 Pick-up from 1966. I think these pickups look cool.

I am constantly thinking I need to make my own vehicle models. I need my own blender projects instead of only following tutorials. And since years ago I wanted to model as many cars as I could from the blue prints I saw on The-blueprints.com I figure today is the day to start.

I may not model very many vehicles however its exciting to get started on a project.

Today I worked through a low poly car

tutorial in blender. I have always wanted to make care with blender so I was excited to work through the low poly car tutorial. However it has taken me months of watching it off and on.

Sometimes I would only watch it for a little bit. Well yesterday I decided that what I want to make in blender is low poly cars so I decided that I am going to get through the tutorial so I can start my own car projects.

And so that is what I did today in blender. I finished watching the video. Though I still have some things to do with my mustang model.

It feels good to finally have made it through the tutorial. I can’t wait to start my own car projects. I hope I do start.

I have not used godot a lot recently

I do want to make a video game that someone will play. So I want to get back to using godot almost daily.

I thought I could work at making different types of games however I want my long term goal to be making a basketball video game.

Basketball is my favorite sport and I have always wanted to make a basketball game so I might as well start now even thought I don’t have much of a clue about how I would go about making it.

I am getting better at retro bowl

At least sometimes I think I am. Today I played 2 games and one three of them. That would be amazing winning more games than I played. I meant to write I played 3 games and won 2.

I am pretty good at throwing to the tight end. And I am even trying to learn how to throw the streak to a wide receiver.

I am playing on 3 minute quarters now instead of 2 minute quarters on extreme difficulty.

I believe I started playing retro bowl in December of 2021. Back then there was no way I could won a game on extreme difficulty. For months I kept losing on extreme and now finally I am winning on a pretty regular basis.

Its so fun when my running back gets 10 or more yards.

When I get a lead I get conservative for fear I will throw an interception. I want to take more chances. Retro bowl is fun. And it doesn’t even have the latest graphics.

This year I want to get into ardunio and raspberry pi

I have wanted to learn them for years. Since I thinking that building robots would be more fun than having the result of my coding only be on a computer screen. I figure if I can build robots maybe I can make them do useful stuff or at least learn something new and have fun.

I don’t know what type of robot would be my dream to build. I don’t know enough about robotics to know what I could possibly build.

So hopefully this year I will make some electronics. Or maybe I wont. There is still time left in the year. So who knows.

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