I want to make a website

The only website I have had that I made myself was years ago on geocities. I did the html and css. It was only one page and I doubt anyone ever went to it. And I never did much work after I put it up.

There are other times I have tried to make a website but, never stuck with it. Maybe I have put up one or two other simple websites but, I don’t remember that much.

So I want to put up a website. Or at least learn javascript. I have been listen to an audio book called coders at work by Lee sobeil and he talked has talked to two programmers who used javascrpt so that had got me interested in learning javascript.

So I am going to learn javascript.


Basic4gl is another programming I was going to say language but,  I could also say IDE I have tried. And failed at. I was looking through some old blog posts on another blog I have and found a post about it. Otherwise I would never remember I had used it.

I installed it on my computer years ago. I had visions of myself making games with it. I probably went though one or two tutorials and then forgot about Basic4gl.

Cobol programming language

Cobol programming language is a programming language I wanted to try but, never have. Because I could not figure out how to install a Cobol compiler on my computer. Maybe that is a good thing. Do I really need to know how to program hello world in another programming language? No.

I can’t remember where I first read about Cobol. But, I did read that grace hopper was involved in the making of it. I also read that she was the person to coin the turn computer bug because there was a bug in a printer that stopped the printer from working.

Maybe I will try Colbol one day but, I doubt it.

D programming language

I was searching my brain for other programming languages I have dabbled in and I found one. I tried using the D programming language. I don’t remember how long I used it. I am sure I compiled a hello world program with d. That is probably about all I did.

You know what would have been better than only writing a hello world program in a few programming languages. Writing programs that people want to use. Have people fork my programs on github or follow me on github.

I wanted to program when I got a computer. Now I don’t think computers are as great as I used to but, I like them OK. And I want to build a program that one person uses. That will be my new years resolution in September. I am going to write a program that within 20 years someone will use. Hopefully.

Fortran Programming language

I have also tried fortran. I believe I used the open-watcom fortran 77 compiler. I also program read a page or two of a wiki book about fortran. I had visions of becoming a great fortran programmer.

The amount of time I spent with the fortran compiler was what dashed my hopes of fortran greatness. I never spent much time using the fortran compiler.

Maybe I am dabbler in programming languages. Maybe all I like saying is that I tried this or that programming language. Maybe I don’t want to put in the work to be a great programming.

When I wrote put in the work it made me think of maybe I do not want to put in the seat time to become a great programmer. Since if I did want to be a great programmer I would have to spend a lot of time siting.

Or I suppose I could use a standing desk.

Lisp programming language

Lisp is another programming language I have tried. I installed on my computer. I had read an article about Lisp being a powerful. So I thought why not try it. I must have read a tutorial on the lisp in a box website. Wrote a hello world program. And that was it. Lisp was then gone for my life for good.

I might want to try Lispbox eventually.

Forth, programming language

I know I played around with a forth programming language IDE. I don’t remember which IDE is was. Maybe it was Gforth I did not use forth very long but, I did read a page or two of a tutorial.

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