I want to create music with pharo and python

I don’t know if I will get that done but, it seems like it would be fun.

I watched some of a video about making music with pharo where I learned about supercollider.

And I watched a minute or so of a video about making music with pharo.

And I am sure there is a way to make music with machine learning.

So hopefully I will make something. It probably won’t be good but, it will be something new for me to learn .

I tried spyder ide for python

I had never tried spyder ide before the other day even though it comes with the version of python I use. I usually use jupyter notebook or IDLE or a console when I use python. But, I decided to use spyder and I liked it.

Maybe if I commit myself to writing a line of python code a day next year. Maybe that will get me programming. I still want to learn to program after all these years. I am not getting any younger. And if I want to much longer to learn I fear that I will never program.

I know I want to make games, do machine learning and genetic programming, and try to make a blender addon with python. So I have got ideas of things to make with python. Now I just have to program on a daily basis.

Maybe I am afraid that if I do make an effort to program I will find that I can’t do it. That I will not be good enough. But, I have got to try harder to program. I have other hobbies but, I want programming to be one of them.

I think I should narrow down what I want to get better at in 2023

I said I want to get better at blender and godot. I think I should pick one of those programs to get better at and when I get good at one I can work on getting better at the other. At least I hope that is what happens. Or maybe I should try and learn both at that same time.

Anyway I want to learn something better. If the choice is between blender and godot I want to learn how to use blender first. And then godot. Since I like to make art.

And I was also thinking about programming. I want to learn python better in 2023. A lot of the time I think wow, if I would have focused on a programming language when I got my first computer and stuck with it I might be a decent programmer by now.

I wish I could go back in time and change what I did then but, I can’t so I will have to get better at blender and python now.

I want to read python

programs having to do with honey bees and other bees. I looked up python and bees on github awhile ago and found some programs that had to do with bees And I was surprised.

I don’t know what program that I could make about bees for python. Maybe I could make a video game with a bee for the protagonist. I will think about it.

I installed a newer

version of pygame. I was trying to to run a program and got an error that said super().__init__ takes 1 parameter got 0 parameters. It was some error like that. I thought what could go wrong. Oh, the program was from program arcade games with python and pygame.

So I tried putting in a parameter in the super and init functions. That did not work. So I searched pip install pygame and to my surprised I could install pygame with pip. So I installed a newer version of pygame and then I ran the program and it worked.

I had no idea that I could install pygame with pip. So I learned something new and got a new version of pygame to boot.

I thought I would have to live with the old version of pygame that only worked with python 2. That was not the case. Now all I need to do is start making video games. I wonder if that will happen?

Python turtle module

I don’t know what I can make with it. For all I know I can’t make anything with it.

One thing I did with logo was move the turtle around a little. And I was surprised to learn that python had a turtle module.

I was glad that python had a turtle module. I don’t know why I was glad because I have no idea when I can make with it.

There must be something. I will figure out what I can make with the python turtle module. I hope.

I have read over

halfway through design arcade games with python and pygame. I have read some of the book in the past but, never made it all the way through.

I don’t know why I stopped reading the book. I know I never made anything with the information that I learned. So I forgot what I learned. So I had to start reading the book from the beginning.

This time I want to make games with the information I learned. I mean learn. I want to think of a project I can make with pygame.

And I also want to work on my text game dragon quest. I mean dragon hunter. A game is not going to make itself.

So far from program arcade games with python and pygame I have learned how to add graphics and sound, how to use the keyboard and mouse. I already knew how to make a function in python, how to make variables, and other things in python though.

So I can’t wait to make a game with pygame.

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