I want to play sky on fire 1940 on twitch

for awhile. I printed out the command text file so I can try and memorize the commands for sky on fire 1940 so I can memorize them.

So I hope to play it enough to get good at it. I don’t know if I like the game or not but, I have always wanted to play a video game light flight gear and I figure that sky on fire 1940 will be a game I like.

I hope some day to have a computer to install fight gear on but, I don’t have one powerful enough now.

Big Ben word games

I learned about big ben word games for a news letter I get. I guess its supposed to have different word games. I have played one word game on the website.

I have wanted to try flight gear for a long

time and I am sure I will eventually play it but, one day I was searching for online flight simulators. And I found GO-FS flight simulator.

Later I played it but, I could not figure out the control so I looked up a video on how to play it and I did get the plane to take off.

Writing about flight simulators reminds me of the video games Top gun and top gun 2 for the NES. A friend had top gun which I borrowed for a little bit. But, I owned top gun 2.

For the top gun if I remember right all you had to do was keep pressing the up direction on the control pad and you could get past levels. I am not sure if that is all levels.

For top gun 2 I know that would not work. I don’t know how many levels there are were to that game but, I know I did not make it through all of them. I might not have even got past the first level.

I remember there was a part that had submarines firing up at the plan and I could never seem to get past that part very often. And when I did I crashed on the air craft carrier when I tried to land.

So top gun 2 was another video game I am terrible at playing. I did play it a lot and I am sure had a lot of fun playing it.

I read an article in retro gamer magazine by Iain Lee

about when he was in school and the two computers they could play video games on. One was BBC B microcomputer. I never knew that the BBC made computers.

He said his favorite video game to play back then was Daredevil Dennis. So I looked up the game on a search engine and found a website of BBC B games that had Daredevil Denis. I played the game several times.

I have no idea how to play an ssd file but, luckily the website lets me play the games online.

Regular home renovation simulator

I read an article about regular home simulator on kotaku. I thought oh, it would be nice to play someday because its free.

So I went to the site and downloaded it and then realized it was a video game made with godot. I thought cool its made with godot.

The game has music and you can use different tools. I was able to fix some things in the house. But, I probably am not that good at the game.

I would have never thought of making a game like this with godot. If everyone was like me there would be no video games because well I have never designed or built my own video game.

Sure I have followed tutorials to make a video game with godot but, I am sure its a lot more fun to come up with an idea for a game, design it and make it in godot without following a tutorial.

I learned about bus simulator

from a article I got from an MIT technology newsletter I read.

I never thought that any video game company made a bus simulator. I have heard of a truck simulator, train simulator, farm simulator games but, I had never heard of a bus simulator. Oh, yes and I have heard of bee simulator.

So make that 2 simulator video games I want to play. Bee simulator and bus simulator 21. I used to ride a bus to school sometimes but, I have never ridden a public transportation bus. AT least I don’t remember ever having ridden one.

A bus simulator seems more exciting to me than other simulators. It seems like there would be more to do than say playing a truck simulator.

So if I ever stream on twitch or put videos on youtube again I want to stream or post video of myself playing bus simulator.

Yesterday I learned about a video

game called ScribbleNaughts from a soft drink tv youtube video. It came out years ago yet I had never heard of it until now. Actually there are several scribbleNaughts games.

In the game you can use a on screen keyboard to type in words. Say if you type in jet pack a jet pack will appear in the game. You use those items to progress through the game. It looks fun.

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