I want to get better at machine learing

I have gotten though most of the courses on kaggle but, I had to use the hints to do it. I wish I had struggled with the problems more instead of using the hints when I got stuck.

So hopefully this year I will go through the kaggle courses again and other machine learning courses and read lost of code from notebooks on kaggle so that by the end of the year I will be better at machine learning.

I don’t know when I first got interested in machine learning but, it probably started with reading machine learning for dummies first edition.

I think it came out in about 2016. I have had a kaggle account since then but, I have not done much with it.

So I hope that this year I will get better at machine learning. Because I think machine learning is so neat.

I still want to learn machine learning

Recently I finished reading machine learning for dummies 2nd edition. I did not run any of the code in the book. It was the 2nd time I had read that edition of the book.

I have wanted to do machine learning for years and have nothing to show for it. And I want something to show for it. So hopefully I will start doing some machine learning.

Or maybe I won’t.

I only have one kaggle course

to finish and its the Intro to game A.I. and reinforcement learning.

I read through all the other courses and did the exercises. I did not have much of an idea of what to do for the exercises so mostly I uncomment the solution to the problem and copied it to get the answer correct.

I figure I have been on kaggle for over 4 years and I wanted to finally get through all the courses and finally start my own project.

But, the course I really wanted to do with the intro go game A.I and reinforcement learning. I think it would be so fun to write a program that would learn how to play a game on its own. I don’t know how to do that yet.

I though that is what I want to focus on for this year. I am not sure if I will be able to write a probably to play a game but, if its to hard I can always work on some other type of machine learning.

I finished reading Data science

for dummies. And wow, there is so much I have to learn about data science.

Anyway I got excited reading the chapter about websites where I can get data. I only wish I was good at data science so I could use the data.

One website I learned about from the book was data.gov. Which is a website with a government data. The book also said they have contests which made me like it ever more.

I also want to remember code.gov

I am working through the advanced

sql course on kaggle. I want to get through all the courses that kaggle has but, on somedays I don’t do anything on kaggle.

I have been on kaggle for about 4 years and I think its time I get through all their courses and start making some data science and machine learning projects. Those skills are not going to improve themselves by me only thinking about them. I need to practice.

Yesterday I finished kaggle’s sql course

I used the hint’s and solutions a lot. After I look at the solution I say well that was not that hard. But, before I look at the solution I was lost. I wanted to get through the sql course.

Before doing the kaggle sql course I had some experience with sql. I had went through some of khan academy’s sql course.

I want to get a lot better at sql. And I am going to have to get better at sql if I want to get better at machine learning or A.I. I think I can get better.

Right now I am still working through kaggle

courses. I am on the sql course. I want to do all the courses at once but, I figure if I work on one or two at a time I will eventual get through them all. That is the plan anyway. I don’t know if I will ever be good at machine learning. But, I am giving it a try. I know I need to learn more math.

I read an article

by extremetech about helping to identify pictures for Mars Perseverance rover. You have to identify the Terrain for the rover which will help its AI so the rover can move around on mars. I think. Any way I thought how cool. Its hosted on zooniverse.

I had have known about zooniverse for awhile and always wanted to sign up for it. And this time I finally did. I went through the tutorial for how to identify the terrain. The tutorial does not take long to go through.

To me marking out the terrain for a mars rover seems exciting. But, it also makes me wonder will I be able to mark the pictures right? Or will I be terrible at it. So I want to give identifying the terrain in the pictures a try and see if I am any good at it.

And another thing I like about it is that I get to look at pictures of mars

I finally finished the pandas course

on kaggle. I don’t remember when I started working through it. I figure it must be over a year since I started. I suppose I never thought I would ever complete that course. But, I did it.

I do wish I did not uncomment the hint and solutions so much. I was not that good at the exercises. So I hope that I will get better at using pandas. For that matter I hope that I am able to get better at pandas. Because I don’t know if I have what it takes to program. I do what to try though.

I hope to go through all the kaggle courses and also make a lot of projects on kaggle and also enter kaggle competitions. I joined kaggle over 4 years ago and have yet to do much on the website. So I hope to started doing more on kaggle now.

I am not going to live forever so if I want to program I need to start making programs now. Otherwise I fear that I will never program anything. And the reason I wanted to get a computer was because I wanted to write programs. And I have not accomplished that goal. But, I still have a dream of writing a program. The want to be a programmer in me is still alive and kicking. So I hope I will get a lot better at machine learning.

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