I am reading Wally Funks race for space

By Sue Nelson and I learned that when Wally was younger so used to put together balsa wood planes.

When I was younger I used to get cheap balsa wood glider kits that I got in a bag and put together. I am pretty sure all the kits had was two pieces and all I had to do to put it together was put the wings through the slit in the fuselage.

I though maybe the kits I got cost a dollar or maybe 2 dollars. I am not sure. I know I flew the gliders however I don’t know how often I flew them or how long the gliders lasted or how many gliders I bought.

All I know is that I used to get glider kits and I flew them. That’s about it.

And I also remember getting rocket kits. I don’t think they were to expensive. Maybe I got one or two. I am not sure how they were powered. I know I flew a rocket kit at least once because I remember a little bit about the flight.

I would place the rocket on the ground. It would fly up in the sky and I think parachute down.

I am not sure if the rocket kits I got were could be used more than once. Maybe they could but, I don’t think I flew a rocket I got in a kit more than once.

I wonder why I quit getting rocket kits and balsa wood gliders. Because I think I had fun using them.

One day I want to try out for drone racing leauge

I have watched a few drone racing league events on television. And to me it looks impossible what they are doing flying drones around a course.

Sometimes drone racing league has tryouts or at least they did. And one day I think it would be cool to play there simulator and see if I am a good enough drone pilot to make it.

I have never flown a drone. I do hope to one day make and fly my own drone. I like learning about electronics.

I don’t know if I will ever try out for drone racing league but, I have always thought about it. It seems fun and a good challenge.

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