I like the idea of using my computer

to help science. So I was excited when I read about Rosetta@home in an article by extreme tech. I had never heard of Rosetta@home before. I had heard of foliding@home though. I thought it was named fold@home.

There is a project called foldit. but, I have to solve puzzles for fold it. But, for folding home and Rosetta home all I need to do is let my computer do that work.

I am running Rosetta home on my computer. One day I hope to be doing all three projects. So awesome that i can use my computer to help science.

Behind the back juggling

I am trying to learn how to juggle behind the back. One day I thought i wonder if there is a way to juggle behind the back. So I used a search engine and found this Behind the back juggling video on youtube.

The first time I tired the behind the back juggling I was not sure if I could get the hacky sack over my shoulder. I managed to get it over my shoulder but, sometimes I threw the ball to far. And other times The ball would it my back and drop to the ground.

Later I realized that I need to look over my shoulder to see the ball. I did not notice that he looks over his shoulder when trying to catch the juggling ball. I have been able to catch the ball a few times. I am certain after enough practice I will get the truck. Its a cool trick.


To learn Sql I want to go through the SQL course on khan academy. I have done some of the course awhile ago but, I always stop before I get to the end. And then I forget what I learned because I don’t keep using SQL. I want that to change.


Basic4gl is another programming I was going to say language but,  I could also say IDE I have tried. And failed at. I was looking through some old blog posts on another blog I have and found a post about it. Otherwise I would never remember I had used it.

I installed it on my computer years ago. I had visions of myself making games with it. I probably went though one or two tutorials and then forgot about Basic4gl.

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