Awhile again I said I wanted to learn speedcubing

Well I still don’t own a cube and even if I did I would not know how to solve it. So hopefully this year I will get a cube and watch a video or read a book so I can figure out how to solve it.

I am sure years ago I owned a rubik’s cube though I don’t have one now. I probably never spent much time trying to solve it.

You know I like it because to me solving cubes for a hobby seems like it would be cheaper than a lot of hobbies such as buying sports cars or supercomputers.

So I will see if this year I start speedcubing. I hope I do.

Rubik’s cube art

I learned about this Rubik’s cube art from a kim komand video pick. I have always wanted to learn how to solve a Rubik’s cube but, have yet to learn. The idea of using Rubik’s cubes to make art had never occurred to me. And what amazing art it is.

Maybe I will try making Rubik’s cube art. Its so cool looking.

Last year I said

I wanted to learn how to solve a Rubik’s. Well I did watch a documentary about speedcubing on youtube called why we cube. But, I still have no idea how to solve a Rubik’s cube.

I have not picked up a Rubik’s cube in years. Maybe this will be the year that I learn how to speeddcube. I will see.


This year I want to learn as much as I can about speedcubing. I want to be able to solve a Rubik’s cube. Since I don’t own a Rubik’s cube yet that will be a challenge. I know I said I wanted to solve a Rubik’s cube myself. I am going to toss that thinking.

I am going to watch videos and learn how to solve a Rubik’s cube. Until I get a Rubik’s cube I will play a cube game that i have on my computer.

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