I want to learn seaside

I want to learn seaside which is a smalltalk web development framework. I want to read dynamic web development with seaside. I have worked with seaside a little but, never stuck with it. So now I hope to learn how to use seaside.

Machine learning I don’t know much about it

I want to know more about it. I have read machine learning for dummies twice. And you I have not done anything with machine learning.

It must be that I tell myself OatmealBreakfast someday you will get to it. Someday you will make that neural network that you want to make. Someday. To be honest I don’t know if that day will ever arrive.

I do know that I want to use pharo and python for machine learning. And I do want to make a neural network that writes songs. So that I don’t have to write songs. Ha.

I don’t know if I will be able t make a neural network. I do want to try. I might also want to try R. The list of new things I want to try never ends.

I want to be an ethical hacker

as I am sure that I have said on many occasions on this blog. But, I don’t think I will be able to learn how to hack. Which kept me from learning about hacking for awhile after i heard about ethical hacking.

I mean me hacking anything. That’s not me. I can’t do that. I will never figure that out. How do I know I can’t be an ethical hacker. I did not know anything about it. I had not tried any hacking. I found hacking interesting but, I did not know if I even liked it.

I read web hacking 101. And I tried some of the missions on hackthissite.org, and I have even tried capture the flag on hackerone.

On hacker one I have tried 5 basic mission and had to watched a video tutorial on how to solve each one. I don’t know it its good that I watch a video tutorial on how to solve the missions. I figure it might be better that I don’t. I need to get used to struggling. Thinking about the problem and finding a solution on my own. But, its so easy to search for the answer. Its a video away.

I am working my way though Ethical hacking course(start hacking today) video. Which I am having to watch in pieces because its so long. Its exciting. I found it using an internet search. I had it bookmarked for awhile. And then one day I decided to start watching it.

I will never be an ethical hacker if I don’t start learning about it. I know that for certain.

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