I want to learn to memorize playing cards using the PAO

That’s person, Action, Object method. One thing I have always had difficulty with playing cards is remembering what suit is clubs and which suit is spades. At least I know the difference between hears and diamonds.

I don’t know why I have difficulty remembering the difference between spades and clubs. But, it has always confused me. So that is one thing I have to learn if I want to learn to memorize playing cards.

I suppose it might be the fast that I have not played cards much. Years ago I would play games like go fish and war. I might have known the different between spades and clubs back then but, I can’t remember if I did or not.

I will learn the difference. Its not that hard.

I am reading a book about how to play Texas Hold’em

called Texas Hold’em for dummies 2nd edition by Mark Harlan. Years ago I read about a man who made a living online playing poker and living in south America. So I thought how cool would that be. And I used to follow poker players on twitter and I have watched poker on television. And I have always wanted to get better at playing pokerTH.

I learned about pokerTH years ago and back then I used to play it maybe everyday for a week then I got tired of the game and stopped playing it. I don’t think I ever won a hand in pokerTH.

So I saw there was a dummies had a book on Texas Hold’em. I wanted to read it then I thought wait a minute I don’t even like watching Texas Hold’em on television so why do I want to learn how to play it.

Then recently I thought why not so I got the Texas Hold’em book to read. Who knows if I understand the game more I might like it. At least I want to see if I can learn the game and win a hand or two in pokerTH.

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