I don’t remember when I got my first coloring book

Or even what my first coloring book was. I do remember getting coloring or at lease owning coloring books when I was younger.

Though I don’t remember ever coloring in coloring books. It makes me wonder when I last colored in a coloring book. Or what that coloring book was.

If I ever did color in a coloring book I don’t remember if I used crayons or markers. Or both. Maybe I did not color in the books very much because I was afraid i would not color them good enough.

some time this year I hope to get a coloring book and crayons and complete coloring in a coloring book. I don’t know if I will get it it but, its what I intend to do.

I don’t have anything interesting

to say about Morse Code so I might as well right about it. Morse code day is coming up in April. I think its April 17th.

I remember when I was a kid we got two walie Talkie and if I remember correctly we could do Morse Code with them. I think then even had a chart of letters and their Morse code equivalent on the front of the walkie talkie.

I seem to remember something about pointing the walkie talkie at the sun and somehow you could Morse Code SOS. Or Maybe it was that the waikie talkie’s could only Morse Code Sos.

Anyway I don’t remember ever using the walkie talkies for Morse Code. I do remember thinging that it would be cool to learn Morse Code.

Listening to those sounds and knowing what they mean. How cool is that.

I wonder why we ever got walkie Talkies? I don’t remember using them that much. But, they were cool.

I want to know everything

And I wish I had time to do every job. There are so many interesting things that I don’t know about. There are so many cool jobs that I will never get a chance to do.

Sadly there is only one of me. There is only 24 hours a day. So even if I worked all day and never took a break ever I don’t think I would get that much accomplished compared to a big company or even a small company.

I wish I could get more done than I actually do. I wish there were dozens of me so I could do everything.

I figure all I can do is figure out what I want to learn and focus on that. And if I don’t like it after I learn more about it then I can change and do other things.

Learning rules.

Last year or was it the year before

I learned how to play cheese. I was not great. I have never even won a game of cheese. I recorded several episodes of oatmeal breakfast plays a video game where I played chess on chess.com. I suppose I thought well if I play chess I will end up a big star. Never happened.

I have not played chess in a long time. As I am sure I have said before. I originally wanted to play chess on oatmeal breakfast plays a video game but, then I learned how to play Sudoku. And chess was thrown to the side.

I suppose I still want to play chess. So maybe I will get around to playing it sometime.

The other day I learned how to make speech bubbles in inkscape

At one time I wanted to know how to make a comic book with inscape. Or was it comic book style artwork in inkscape. Anyway I am not much of a fan of comic book.

Though I do enjoy learning about batman, superman, and wornder woman. I have not read many if any comic books in my life. So why did I want to make a comic book in inkscape. Beats me.

I think now I would rather make a comic strip. Making speech bubbles is not that hard. And to me speech bubbles look cool.

At least now I know that using inkscpae is not as hard as I thought it would be. Its fun.

One of my hobbies is cooking

Even though I have not cooked in years. When I was younger I used to enjoy making pizza, sugar cookies, coffee cake. I even made four pumpkin pies from a pumpkin I grew.

I might have written all this in an earlier post. Oh, well then I will write it again.

One of the things that I have always wanted to make is sour dough bread. I always enjoyed eating the sourdough bread we bought at stores. Especially when it was fresh. I liked put to on butter or garlic bread spread.

So maybe one day I will make my own sour dough bread.

When I first got a computer I wanted to write video games

That has not happened so far. At this time I would rather learn machine leaning. When I got my first computer I had no idea what machine learning was. Now at least I have some idea.

I would also like to become an ethical hacker more than a video game programmer. Though I still like the idea of making my own video game.

I wonder if I can do all 3; machine learning, ethical hacking, and making video games. So far I am not very good at any of them. So maybe trying to do all those things is biting off more than I can chew.

At the rate I am going I will probably still be wish I could get started on the 3 things this time next year. So I will see what happens.

Yesterday I watched inkscape tutorial videos

I learned how to make text follow a path. I was surprised its not that hard to make text follow a path. Its fun.

I also learned how to make flourishes with inkscape. I would say a flourish is a line with a lot of curves. It took me a bit to get it. You use the path tool. So I clock once for the start of the path and then when I move my mouse to make the next point I can hols down the mouse button and move the path. I am not sure i explained that right.

I also watched a video about inkscape filters. There sure are a lot of filters.

I still have a lot more to learn about inscape. At least I am making art with it now.

I have not learned much about astronomy this year.

I always like the idea of building my owl backyard telescope so I can observe stars. And I also want to learn more about the stars. Its fascinating stuff.

And I also like the idea of having something to go outside at night and observe in the sky. And maybe I could even take astronomy pictures.

So maybe I will get to some of those goals this year. I hope I do. I won’t be surprised if I don’t. At least I get the excitement of thinking about building my own telescope.

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