I installed xvkbd in xenial puppy linux

My dell laptops keyboard does not work all the time so on my other laptop I installed xvkbd. Then I wondered how to I start it. So I typed xvkbd in a shell. And it started. And I typed some letters. I was all excited.

Then I realized that if my keyboard does not work on my dell computer that I can’t set the date and time and boot order for my laptop. So I could only boot into slacko 5.7. And I don’t have xvkbd installed on that operating system.

I need to set the time and date and boot order for the bios because the battery for the bios is dead and I don’t want to replace it.

Oh, well at least I know that puppy linux has a virtual keyboard I can sue.

I learned how to look for packages with puppy package manager

I had no problem using the package manager with slack puppy 5.7. Though I could not figure out how to see the packages in xenial or fossa puppy.

I figured out how to solve the problem by clicking on a package in the pane to the right of the category list in the package manager which is the package pane. Then when I searched in the search field I saw a list of packages with the name I had looked up.

Also to get rid of the package I selected I clicked on the package in the package pane. So it was an easy fix.

I tried simple screen recorder a little bit

I know how to use obs a little but, I also think it would be interesting to learn how to use simple screen recorder. Since I had never tried it before.

I also looked at the documentation and was surprised to learn that I can also stream on twitch with simple screen recorder. I did not know I could stream on twitch using it.

The video I recorded was not very long. So I hope to learn to use simple screen recorder better.

I got caido working right

I was on my dell xps laptop and using fossapup 9.5. One problem I did have is that I could not download the ca.crt file because I had uninstalled palemoon. So I restarted my computer and booted up fossapup9.5 again.

Since I was not using a save file everything that came with puppy was installed. So when I tried to download the ca.crt file for the certificate it worked. Palemoon popped up to allow me to save the file to downloads folder.

Then I imported the certificate into firefox and set up the proxy in firefox. And I went to different websites and the http history showed the requests and responses. I thought it was so cool looking at the requests and responses.

I thought I would never get caido set up right. I am glad I was wrong.

I have no idea how I got zap or burp suite set up in slacko5.7. I suppose I figured it out somehow.

So now all I need to do is learn about ethical hacking. Since I want to learn about it. And I am sure there are a lot of other tools I will want to learn how to use.

At least I got caido set up right.

I wanted to use krita in puppy linux

I knew that I could install krita with quick pup. However that is an older version of krita. And I wanted the newest version of krita which is 5.2.2.

So I was thinking about krita then I thought wait a minute didn’t I saw an appimage file on krita’s website. So I looked and there was an appimage for linux. I thought good.

So I downloaded it and made it executable and clicked on the file and it started up. I was using fossapup and on my dell xps laptop. I did not have enough time to try making anything in krita.

Not that I would now how to make anything. However at least I know I can use the latest version of krita in puppy linux. Neat.

I want to learn linux bash

Maybe I have written about wanting to learn linux bash before on this blog but, I can’t remember.

I do know how to cd to change a directory but, that’s about the extent of my bash knowledge.

I don’t know what I would be able to do wlith bash if I knew it a lot better. So I suppose I will find out.

Also I have used windows powershell a little. All I know how to do with it is cd to a directory.

I got another thumb drive

So now I have two thumb drives. One of the thumb drives has fussapup on it and the other thumb drive has xenial on it.

i like puppy linux and don’t want to another linux. I did try damn small linux years ago. i had dial up back then and could not get on the internet with it. And also I remember that I got at least one CD of ubuntu linux when it first came out and they were free.

I remember that I tried installing ubuntu on my desktop computer but, could not get it to install. I the it was a ubuntu live CD.

And recently I tried tiny linux. But, Puppy linux is the only linux I have used regularly.

So now I have 2 versions of puppy linux I can use.

I learned how to run appimage files

I had know about appimage files for awhile. I first saw one for LMMS. When I saw it I am I thought how in the world do I run an appimage file. I am sure I thought it was hard and would require a lot of things to learn.

Well it turns out that running an appimage file is not as hard as I thought it was. I watched a video to learn how to run the file type. I learned that all I had to do was right click on the file and in the permissions on the right click menu I had to make the file executable.

So I tried the LMMS appimage file. Made it executable and then I looked for a run option in a right click menu but, could not find one so I opened a terminal and changed the path to the folder that LMMs was in. Then I ran the file by putting ./ in front of the name of the appimage file.

And it worked. I thought wow I could run an appimage file and its not even that hard. All I had to do was check a checkbox and run it at the terminal. I think I tried clicking on the file but, that did not work.

So now I know how to run appimage files.

puppy linux

I am using fossapup puppy linux as I am writing this. Its the second day I have been using it. And I like it. One thing I like is that on the desktop to the right is a panel of information about the system and resources.

I can see how long I have been on my computer by looking at uptime or see cpu usage or memory usage.

I tried making a save file but, that made my computer go so slow that I booted to fossapup without a save file. All I really wanted to try never versions of puppy linux was for the updated browsers.

So I have tried 3 new versions of puppy linux. Fossapup, xenial, and bionic. I think they are all Ok.

With xenial pup I could make a pup save file and it would not slow down my computer like it slows down when I created a pupsave file for bionic or fossapup.

Two things I hope I do this year are learn bash and learn as much as I can about the programs that come installed on puppy linux.

Yesterday I made a bootable usb for FossaPup64 9.5

And it worked on my Panasonic toughbook. So I hope to try it a little.

So far I have tried bionic puppy 8, and xenial puppy. Both 64 bits. Bionic puppy was slow on my laptops so I switched to xenial 7.5. That was a lot faster.

Everything was working OK until I panicked when programs did not open right away. I had tried to open ppm with the shell. That did not work. So I tried to open a browser, no good. Then I tried to get the shutdown menu to come up. Nothing.

So I pressed my laptop button and heard the bark and saw the puppy shutdown pop with the amount of time until puppy was going to shut down. Then not long before shut down time all the programs came on.

I thought oh, good. Instead of pressing cancel on the shutdown popup I thought I wonder what suspend does. So I clicked on suspend. Puppy went of the screen went dark and then puppy was on my screen again.

Then I decided to shut the computer down. I tried booting puppy up again and that is when I saw an error. I thought oh, no. Tried booting puppy again.

So I went to my Panasonic laptop. I thought it would be simple to put puppy linux back on the thumb drive.

There was one problem. The drive did not show up in my computer. Windows said it was an unidentified USB drive. It did not have a driver.

I was not happy with myself. I should have waited for the programs to open or I should have pressed cancel on the puppy linux shutdown dialog box. At least I only messed up the usb drive and not my computer.

So I got a new usb thumb drive and thought since I have to put puppy linux on it anyway I might as well try a version I have not tried before.

I hope someday to see if I can put a driver on the other usb drive. I can’t wait to try out FossaPup64 9.5 and see how it works on my computers.

I figure the computer going off and then on so quickly messed up the usb drive. Oh, well.

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