Some food goals of mine

are to make my own yogurt and ice cream. I don’t think I have ever made either one. I think it would be fun to see what flavors I can come up with. And who knows I might come up with a good flavor.

When I was younger

one of my favorite breads to eat was zucchini bread. I don’t remember how often I ate it but, it seems like it was a lot. And wow, was it good.

I think I even baked zucchini bread once. To me its weird that I liked zucchini bread.

Even though we grew zucchini I never cared for plain old zucchini. The zucchini bread I loved. I could eat it by the loaf. I don’t remember the last time I ate it was. At least 10 years I assume.

Zucchini bread with button on top sound good right now. Maybe I could put ice cream between two pieces of zucchini bread and make an ice cream sandwich out of it. the possibilities are endless.


I don’t know if I wrote about gummy worms or gummier bear when I wrote about candy awhile ago. So I thought why not wrote about them.

Gummy worms and gummy bears are so chewy. I don’t remember how often I used to eat them but, know I did eat them. I also remember sour gummy worms. I think I ate those also.

Recently in a store I saw fast food gummies in the shape of hamburgers. And there french fries in the little cardboard container they are served at by fast food restaurants.

Writing about gummies makes me want to eat bags and bags of them.

I think once I even tried to make my own gummy candy out of jello. I bet it tasted good. Jelly and gummy can’t what could be better.

I don’t have a favorite flavor of gummier worms or gummy bears. All the flavors taste good.

Let me talk about

crackers today. I might have written blog posts about them before but, I need something to write about and I thought crackers.

When I was younger my favorite type of crackers were gold fish crackers. Most of the time we would get cheddar gold fish crackers in the big carton. We put the box in the refrigerator after i opened them so they would not get soft.

My favorite flavor of gold fish crackers is Parmesan. I liked the green on the packaging. Very cool.

I also ate ritz crackers, cheese-its, saltines, triscuits, and wheat thins. And probably a lot of other types of crackers that I can’t remember.

Triscuits and wheat things are my other two types of crackers. I could eat them by the box. They are like bacon they make anything better.

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