I recently read the secret life of programs

By Jonathan E. Steinhart. I made my way through the book. I understand some of what I read but, there was a lot that I did not understand.

I think it would be so cool to understand everything in the book. Maybe someday I will. From the building blocks of a computer all the way to programs and security.

So after reading the book I want to learn how to use vim or vi, and git. I have tried in the past but, not gotten very far. I also want to get better at math.

I also hope to make a program of my own design.

So I have got a lot I want to get done. Will I? I sure hope I will get it done.

Even though oatmeal breakfast plays a video game is not popular

I have found that I do like making the show and I like playing video games. And I like learning about video game history. If I did not make the show I would never have learning about a lot of fun video games.

So I hope to keep making oatmeal breakfast plays a video game. Though I don’t know when I will make another episode of the show. I hope to make another episode soon. I will see.

And one day I want to stream myself playing video games on twitch.tv. Maybe baseball or car racing or basketball video games. Or of course other video games

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