I got caido working right

I was on my dell xps laptop and using fossapup 9.5. One problem I did have is that I could not download the ca.crt file because I had uninstalled palemoon. So I restarted my computer and booted up fossapup9.5 again.

Since I was not using a save file everything that came with puppy was installed. So when I tried to download the ca.crt file for the certificate it worked. Palemoon popped up to allow me to save the file to downloads folder.

Then I imported the certificate into firefox and set up the proxy in firefox. And I went to different websites and the http history showed the requests and responses. I thought it was so cool looking at the requests and responses.

I thought I would never get caido set up right. I am glad I was wrong.

I have no idea how I got zap or burp suite set up in slacko5.7. I suppose I figured it out somehow.

So now all I need to do is learn about ethical hacking. Since I want to learn about it. And I am sure there are a lot of other tools I will want to learn how to use.

At least I got caido set up right.

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