I have wanted to learn vim since I first learned

about it. I have watched a few tutorial videos, but I don’t use vim all that much so usually I forget what I learned.

So maybe this year I will learn vim or just give up and figure I did not want to learn how to use the program after all.

I suppose I think its cool all the text commands, and the 2 modes that vim has. I don’t think I have ever tired to learn vi. But, I suppose that vi and vim are the same.

So I will see what happens this year.

Today I used vim

I have know about vim for years but, I have not used it much. I did use it today though to follow along with a python tkinter tutorial, and I also followed along with a vim tutorial.

I learned how to open tabs, use regular expressions, move the cursor to words, ends of words, paragraphs.

I wonder if I will remember what I learned today tomorrow.

I don’t know when I first got interesting in vim

Or vi. Its probably over a decade ago now. So years ago I installed vim on my computer and I had high hopes of learning how to use it.

Well that never happened. Surprise surprise.

The other day I found the portable version of vim so I put it on a computer and went to a linkedin learning vim course and started learning vim.

h – moves left, l – moves right, j – move down, k – move up, w – move from word to word, ( – move back a sentence, ) – move forward a sentence, { – move back a paragraph, } – move forward a paragraph.

I have got a few vim commands down already as you can see. The course also talked about <a href=”vim adventures

The course also talked about vim adventures. Which is a website that has a game that will help me learn vim.

I hope that this time I stick with vim and learn it.

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