Another goal of mine

I suppose its a gardening goal is to grow a plant suck as barley, Tricale, rye, wheat, or buckwheat and harvest the grain and turn it into my own flower.

I have always thought it would be great to mill my own flower. I never did grind my owl flower when I grew cereal grains. so if I ever do drove cereal grains again I hope that I remember that I wanted to mill my own flower.

If I made a perfume

what would I want it to smell like. Maybe pineapple perfume since I do like pineapple. Or how about a perfume that smells of freshly minted bills. Now I like that. I would call it the smell of money. Now that is not a bad smell is it?

I have never thought much about if I made a perfume what would it smell like. Maybe one day I could make my own perfume or cologne. I hope I remember to do that.

When I was younger

one of my favorite breads to eat was zucchini bread. I don’t remember how often I ate it but, it seems like it was a lot. And wow, was it good.

I think I even baked zucchini bread once. To me its weird that I liked zucchini bread.

Even though we grew zucchini I never cared for plain old zucchini. The zucchini bread I loved. I could eat it by the loaf. I don’t remember the last time I ate it was. At least 10 years I assume.

Zucchini bread with button on top sound good right now. Maybe I could put ice cream between two pieces of zucchini bread and make an ice cream sandwich out of it. the possibilities are endless.

I watched a video

from retro video game mechanics explained about the pac-man kill screen. It talked about when you get to level 256 in pac-man the right half of the screen is covered with fruit. Now I know how many levels pac-man has.

the video also said that the record was I think 3 hours and 11 minutes for pac-man. I was thinking I can barely get to level two and there are people who can get to level 256 in 3 hours. I don’t know if I could get to level 3 with 3 hours of trying.

I have probably played pac-man for 30 years off and on and I still have not gotten to level 3. That is how bad I am at pac-man. I like the arcade version of pac-man. i think its better than the atari 2600 version. For sure.

I loved this video on how to grow peas

Its not that hard to put youtube videos on here. Cool.

I like this video. He plants peas in a gutter. When they peas are big enough he digs a trench in the garden and slides the peas into the trench. I would have never thought of planting peas in a gutter. And I certainly never thought he was going to slid the pea seedlings out of the gutter into the ground. I thought oh, he is going to transplant the seedlings one at a time. I was wrong.

Thank you for reading my blog. Have a great day.

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