Today I watched a video about Gimp’s path tool

And then used the path tool on a project I was working on. I am not sure if I had ever used gimps path tool before.

At least I know that I never used the path tool on a project that I made with Gimp. So now I have used the path tool in a project.

A few days ago I don’t think I was aware that gimp had a path tool like inkscape.

I hope I keep learning about gimp.

I want to learn how to use gimp better

I am not sure whether I want to learn Krita or gimp. For now I will try to learn gimp better. Years ago I read a book about gimp but, never have done much with the program but, now I want to learn how to use it better.

Also I hope to learn how to use blender grease pencil also. Maybe I could use Grease pencil to do a lot of things that gimp can do. Maybe I could use grease pencil instead of gimp. I don’t know.

All I know is that I want to get learning. Get to be an expert at using a program.

One of kim Komando’s video picks was a man who paints with excel

I had never occurred to me that a person could use excel to paint. Like the man in the video I would like to paint but, there is all the expense of the paint, brushes, canvases, then I would have to clean my brushes. So I have never painted. It seems like so much work.

Its the same thing with drawing for me. I would need to keep buying paper as I filled up sketchbooks so I don’t draw. I used to sketch everyday in a sketchbook but, I don’t want to keep buying sketchbooks. Or in my case I used plain old notebooks.

But, I do like that with paper to sketch I could use only a pencil and paper but, I don’t do it because well I don’t. Drawing with pencil and paper is fun though.

So maybe I should start drawing again.

I want to model a push scooter in blender

I think it will be something that I can get done.

When I was young I got a push scooter. It was blue white white wheels. I don’t think I rode it that much. But, I do remember a little about the day I got it. At least I think I do.

I wonder how much time I spent riding it. Probably not much. I was more of a bicycle person. I know I used to spend a lot of time riding my bicycle. Which at that time was also blue.

I read a Art of Non-confornity post

about unusual things I’m allowed to do. And one of the things in the post that I found interesting was about Creating my own holiday.

I wondered what kind of holiday I would make? Just thinking about it now I think I would create RC day or maybe drive your RC vehicle day.

I am sure the list of holidays I would want to create would be endless.

Creating my own holiday is certainly something that I never knew was possible. Now all I have to do is think up a holiday. I wish that were easy.

I hope to model a 1978 Suzuki DS185

I think I like to model vehicles more than I like to model humans. And I need a lot of practice modeling. Sure I follow tutorials but, I don’t make any of my own models or at least not many of my own models.

So I hope to model a Suzuki 1978 Enduro 185 DS. I hope I get it finished someday.

I want to learn how to pickle

The only type of pickles I have eaten is cucumber pickles. The green skinned cucumbers not lemon cucumbers.

Today I learned that people pickle watermelon rind. I had never heard of that before. And so it god me thinking about pickling.

And I think that would cool to be able to pickle my own cucumbers, onions, watermelon and whatever other things can be pickled.

I liked to eat salami, cheese, crackers with pickles. I have not eaten that in years.

I don’t know if I will ever pickle anything but, its something I want to learn. So I will see.

I have wanted to try flight gear for a long

time and I am sure I will eventually play it but, one day I was searching for online flight simulators. And I found GO-FS flight simulator.

Later I played it but, I could not figure out the control so I looked up a video on how to play it and I did get the plane to take off.

Writing about flight simulators reminds me of the video games Top gun and top gun 2 for the NES. A friend had top gun which I borrowed for a little bit. But, I owned top gun 2.

For the top gun if I remember right all you had to do was keep pressing the up direction on the control pad and you could get past levels. I am not sure if that is all levels.

For top gun 2 I know that would not work. I don’t know how many levels there are were to that game but, I know I did not make it through all of them. I might not have even got past the first level.

I remember there was a part that had submarines firing up at the plan and I could never seem to get past that part very often. And when I did I crashed on the air craft carrier when I tried to land.

So top gun 2 was another video game I am terrible at playing. I did play it a lot and I am sure had a lot of fun playing it.

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