I got both of these websites

from the MIT newsletter I get. The first websites i called jazz keys. What is does when I press keys on the keyboard is make jazz sounds. Very fun. It makes even my typing sound good.

The other site called flowchart fun allows me to create flowcharts by typing. Something like that. I have not used it yet.

My flowchart for


multiplication madness. I don’t know what I am doing but, I decided to go ahead and make a flowchart on draw.io. Its better to get a flowchart done than to never make a flowchart. In my opinion.  This is the first flowchart I have ever made. And I am sure it looks like it.

I had to decode on a name so I thought of multiplication madness. I like that name. I know I can change it if I want to. I don’t want to. Now all I have to do is code the game. That should be easy. Not.

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