I want to learn git better

I use git cli to upload my godot projects to github though I would not be referred to as a git power user. Or is it super user.

In the git cli I know how to cd to a directory. I know how to add files to t he staging. I know how to commit and I know how to push my code to github. That is about it.

Once I did try to add a remote repository. That did not work out.

At least I am using git. It cool uploading my code to github. Even if no one but, me reads it.

I have only ever used a git cli. I have never used a git gui. The cli is fine with me.

So this year I hope I get better at git.

Yesterday I was so excited about uploading my godot project

to get. Well my hopes where dashed when I could not figure out how to upload to github. I kept getting an error.

When I first tried to upload to github it said it let it know who you are so I had to do git config user.name “MyUserName”, and I also filled in git –config user.email “myEmail”. No matter how bad I wanted to upload to git I could not do it.

I had watched a video that talked about a git integration tool for godot. So I though well why not try that. At first that did not work either. I kept getting a 404 error when I tried to upload.

Eventually I figured it out. If I made the repository with the godot git integration tool I could upload to the repo.

I watched some git videos last night. And today I gave it git another try. And I got it to work. So I uploaded about 5 of my godot projects.

I made all of them by following a tutorial but, I want to add more features to them. I will upload my other godot projects later.

I am not sure exactly why I could not upload to git. I figured it might have something to do with the fact that made I did not add –global when I set up my username and email. Not sure.

Anyway I saw that I got my github in 2012. And I finally have some project that actually work. Horray for me.

After I uploaded the 2d-dodge the creeps game I looked at the code for the player. I had had trough because I could not get the player to move without pressing the keys repeatedly.

And the problem was that I used is_action_just_pressed instead of is_action_pressed. I made the change to the player file and made a commit to git.

I hope I make more projects. I want to keep uploading to git.

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