I want to design kites with blender

or a CAD program. I am sure I have written about wanting to design kites before. Why not write about it again. I would probably start with designing a delta kite. I have no idea when I will ever get around to designing a kite.

But, I figure designing a kite and making it would be a lot easier than designing an RC car and 3d printing it. Maybe I could 3d print a kite. But, first I would have to learn how to use a 3d printer. I have read a 3d printing book however I have never used a 3d printer. But, I hope to use one someday. If I never use a 3d printer at least I thought about wanting to use one.

I want to fly a kite this year

Its been years since i have flown one. Its been decades. I can’t remember the last time I flew a kite. I don’t even know how good I was at it. Probably not very good. I don’t ever remembering any kite tricks.

Maybe I can also learn some tricks with kites. That sounds fun.

How about I also make a kite. I don’t recall ever having made a kite. Maybe I have but, I don’t remember. Building a kite sounds fun.


I want to design and build them. I want to fly them. I have not flow a kite in years. And I certainly have never design or build my own kites. All the kites I have flower were cheap store bought kites.

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