I want to improve my memory

I have read Remember it by Nelson Dellis two times. The first time I practiced a technique from the book about remembering names and grocery lists. But, that did not last long.

The second time I read the book I practiced the name remembering technique and write down my Person Action Object representations for playing cards and the numbers 0-99.

I have worked on remembering playing cards but, not much. If I read remember it twice I must want to improve my memory so I have got to set aside everyday to practice. Otherwise I will never improve my memory.

So this year I want to work on remembering names and playing cards. And memorizing my PAO for the numbers 0-99. So I will see where I am at by the end of 2023.

Years ago I got a little booklet on how to make soda

In the booklet it showed how to make soda with a tank of Co2. I probably never read the entire booklet even though it was maybe not more than 30 pages long.

And I never got around to making my own soda. And I am sure making my own soda would have been a fun project. I wonder what flavors I could have come up with.

Anyway this year I want to make my own soda. Oh, I know what else I was thinking about. My favorite soda flavor is root beer. I also like root beer popsicles.

And since I was working on modeling an ice cream cone in blender yesterday that got me wondering is there root beer ice cream? I will have to look it up. Or how about root beer yogurt. Yummy.

I found a video of someone making root beer ice cream. Not that I searched to hard. I never usually go past the first page of search results.

Yesterday I finished following the blender semi-truck tutorial

I believe its the 3rd time I have tried to go through it. The other times I watched it a regular speed but, this time I put it on 2x speed. I can watch more blender tutorials if I speed them up.

Plus there were 19 parts to the semi truck tutorial and some of them were about 40 minutes long so if I watched them at 2x speed I could get through the tutorial faster.

Instead of modeling another semi truck right away I want to figure out how to model the headlights better and add a trailer and maybe see if I can add an interior.

Because I want to start modeling on my own instead of only following tutorials.

I had a lot of fun going through the semi truck tutorial. Oh, and I want to make the materials on the truck better than they are now.

Here is the tutorial well the first part of it if you want to watch it.

This year I want to play rocket league

I have watched rocket league tournaments on television but, I had never found the game that interesting or wanted to play it.

But, in one of soft drink tv’s videos I believe he said its one of the best or maybe he said its the best sports video game out there. So him saying that made me want to try it.

And also since rocket league is free why not try it.

And who knows I might end up liking rocket league more than I think. So this year I hope to play it and see what I think of the game.

Yesterday I was watching part 17 of the blender semi truck tutorial

and that part deals with making the back wheels. Because he first had made the wheels like the front wheels but, the back wheels of the semi are different. The wheel goes in.

So I had trouble making the wheel like in the tutorial so I looked up a picture of a semi wheel and made it. Then when it came time to spin the nuts for the wheel I was able to get the spin to work.

I was surprised and delighted. I used the spin tool then on the last operation panel I zeroed out z and put 360 for the angle for the steps and adjusted the x and I was surprised to see that the spin worked and there were nuts in a circle around the wheel.

So I re-did the from wheel nut spin but, it would not work. It turns out all I had to do was add a face on the back of the nuts and the spin worked.

I had deleted the back face of the nut and when I tried to spin I would get a face between all the nuts that were spun. So adding the face back to the back of the nut made the spin work right.

I never thought I would ever figure out how to use the blender spin tool. I am glad I was wrong on that count.

This year I also hope to read Learn how to program

I have tried to read the How to design programs several times but, then for some reason stopped reading so this year I want to see if I can read the book all the way through.

Because I had fun thinking about how to come up with solutions to the exercises and learning how to use Dr. Scheme.

I believer I started with the first edition but, I am not sure how much I read of that. Then I tried to read the second edition maybe 2 times but, never finished that. I probably got to maybe example 100. I am not sure how far I got exactly.

So hopefully I will get it read this year. I will see.

High level assembly

Years ago I had read some chapters of High level assembly and wrote the code that was in the book.

I am not sure how much of the book I read or why I stopped reading the book and I am not even sure why I stopped using HLA.

Someday I want to finish that book and make a little program with HLA. I like learning about all the registers, and computer hardware.

I hope I will read the book this year but, I will see

I know I say it every year

I say this is going to be the year that I learn to program. I wanted to write my own code this year except that has not happened. Sure I have written code while following along with a tutorial but, I have not written any of my own code.

So I hope that changes.

This year I have finally posted everyday again

But, no one is reading what I am writing but, that is OK. I like to write. But, I don’t think that I have anything that interesting to say to anyone.

But, as I said I am glad to be posting everyday again on my blog. I hope to continue the trend.

Earlier this week I watched a video on how to make ice cream cake

So a goal for this year is to make a ice cream cake. I think I have only eaten ice cream cake once in my life and I liked it.

I know that I like eating cake with ice cream. Particularly chocolate cake with vanilla ice cream. An even better way that I like to eat cake and ice cream is to mash up the cake in the ice cream. Yummy.

I am not sure if I have ever baked a cake. I know I have baked at least 4 pumpkin pies in which I used a pumpkin that I grew myself. And I am sure I also roasted the seeds from that pumpkin and ate them also. What fun.

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