I started work on a 2d soccer game in godot

I am following along with a short 2d soccer game tutorial and since the tutorial is for godot 3 I am using godot 3.5LTS to follow along.

I made a soccer field and a soccer ball on leonardo.ai and will use those assets in the game. I set up the walls and made the player the godot icon. The player can move left and right now.

I am not sure when I set up the soccer ball if it will collide with the walls so I will have to wait and see.

This is the first time I have worked in godot in 2024. I want to work in godot a lot more for the rest of this year.

I have not cooked anything in years

I can’t remember that last thing I cooked in an oven. It was probably pizza. So I can’t wait to finally cook something.

The idea of making my way through as many cookbooks as I can and making everything in them gets me excited.

I am sure I have written about this before. I would rather travel the world by cooking dishes from a cook book that traveling there physically.

I suppose you could say I want to be adventurous when it comes to food. And I am not adventurous when it comes to physically traveling.

I remember I learned how to make pizza by watching it made on a cooking show. I am not sure what the show was called.

For years after that I used to love making pizza. Usually on the pizza would be sauce, cheddar, or Monterey Jack cheese, white cap mushrooms, pepperoni or Canadian Bacon, green peppers.

I remember we used to have a metal pizza pan with holes in it. And for awhile I even had a pizza cutter wheel.

One thing I learned from making pizza dough is to never putting garlic in with the yeast and water and let the dough rise. That was awful. I only made that mistake once. The garlic and yeast are like oil and water they don’t mix.

The garlic goes on top of the pizza dough. I don’t think I tried kneading garlic in the dough after it had already risen but, before I rolled out the dough to put on the toppings.

Making pizza is fun. I should make pizza again someday.

I installed xvkbd in xenial puppy linux

My dell laptops keyboard does not work all the time so on my other laptop I installed xvkbd. Then I wondered how to I start it. So I typed xvkbd in a shell. And it started. And I typed some letters. I was all excited.

Then I realized that if my keyboard does not work on my dell computer that I can’t set the date and time and boot order for my laptop. So I could only boot into slacko 5.7. And I don’t have xvkbd installed on that operating system.

I need to set the time and date and boot order for the bios because the battery for the bios is dead and I don’t want to replace it.

Oh, well at least I know that puppy linux has a virtual keyboard I can sue.

As long as I am talking about things that I want to do but haven’t

I have wanted to learn how to memorize a deck of card with the pao system ever since I first read remember it by Nelson Dellis.

I have written down the pao for playing cards and numbers. I have done a little memorizing of the playing card pao but, no memorization of the number pao.

And since I am not getting any younger this has got to be the year that I get memorizing a deck of playing cards done. It seems so cool that one day I could memorize the order of a deck of playing cards. I have got to do that.

The memory techniques in the book seem so fun. And want to improve my memory. My memory won’t improve it self so this year I will get to work on improving my memory.

Playing cards here I come.

Awhile again I said I wanted to learn speedcubing

Well I still don’t own a cube and even if I did I would not know how to solve it. So hopefully this year I will get a cube and watch a video or read a book so I can figure out how to solve it.

I am sure years ago I owned a rubik’s cube though I don’t have one now. I probably never spent much time trying to solve it.

You know I like it because to me solving cubes for a hobby seems like it would be cheaper than a lot of hobbies such as buying sports cars or supercomputers.

So I will see if this year I start speedcubing. I hope I do.

I have not worked with godot much this year

At the end of last year I used godot more. And I want to get back to using godot.

I figure I want to learn how to make assets with blender, and krita, and then I want to make game music with lmms, And then I want to put the games together with godot.

I want to start off making the game of my dreams. For me using godot is hard so I have to build up to making the game I want to make.

So I need to make a lot of games and practice using godot a lot. I hope I get back to using godot.

I made a banner for my youtube channel with krita

I made a youtube banner for my Computer graphics novice youtube channel. The wood and paper texture are from images I made with leonardo.ai.

Its the first project I have made with krita unless you call cropping and deleting backgrounds projects. I am proud of myself. It makes me laugh writing I am proud of myself. Maybe I should say that to myself more often.

I learned how to duplicate layers and use drop shadow. I did not think the drop shadow worked. Then I realized maybe I have to check the box to the left of the words drop shadow. Then it worked.

I also learned how to use the love and transform tools which I have never used before in krita.

You know making projects is fun. I should do it more often.

One subject I want to get a lot better at is math

One of my favorite mathematicians is john von neunann. I remember I first heard about him from reading a book about the hydrogen bomb.

I just think it would be so fun to know how to write proofs, and solve math problems. Back when I was in school I did not care if I got better at math. I did as little math as possible.

Now I wish I had worked harder at math because I think math is cool. I have read several books about math.

And I have gone through some of the courses on khan academy having to do with math.

So hopefully this year I will work on math. And I have always wanted to read a book that has to do with solving math problems with pharo. The book is called Numerical Methods.

And I read that I need math if I want to do machine learning. And I am sure math would be handy for lots of other things. It would also give me something to think about. A challenge. And I like challenge.

There are a lot of things in blender that I am not good at

materials, textures, compositing. And I am sure I am missing something or three. But, there is one thing I have not used much at all. Blender grease pencil.

Back when I started using blender at version 2.42 grease pencil was something that was used to draw in blender. Or was it make notes or annotations.

Anyway all the way back then grease pencil was not about drawing 2d and doing animal.

So grease pencil is another thing I want to learn about with blender. I have tried a paper plane animation and watched a grease pencil modeling video. But, I don’t believe I have completed a model with grease pencil.

So I want to make more blender 3d and 2d projects.

I have wanted to try ethical hacking for years

Probably about 3 years ago I read through web hacking 101 and read a few pages of 2 of owasp’s books about web hacking and mobile hacking. 

I even got burpsuite and zap running on slacko 5.7. Though it was not the newest version of burpsuite. At the time it was the newest version of zap.

I set both burp and zap to run with palemoon because at the time palemoon was the newest browser I could use on my computers.

I watched some hackerone and bugcrowd tutorials. But, I never dug deeper into learning about bugs.

I supposed ethical hacking is like a lot of things I want to learn. I only go through tutorials. I have never done any hacking or tried to improve my skills. I have done a CTF or 2 at hackerone. I even tried hackthiswebsite.

I also read 2 or 3 books about ethical hacking. Well they were about hackers.

But, I still have not tried to find a bug. And I think trying to find a bug would be so fun. I mean in my wildest dreams I don’t think I could ever find a bug and submit it as a report and get payed for it.

So I hope I learn more about ethical hacking and one day get payed to find a bug, I will see what happens.

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