This year I also hope to read Learn how to program

I have tried to read the How to design programs several times but, then for some reason stopped reading so this year I want to see if I can read the book all the way through.

Because I had fun thinking about how to come up with solutions to the exercises and learning how to use Dr. Scheme.

I believer I started with the first edition but, I am not sure how much I read of that. Then I tried to read the second edition maybe 2 times but, never finished that. I probably got to maybe example 100. I am not sure how far I got exactly.

So hopefully I will get it read this year. I will see.

I have read about 4 chapters of

How to design programs, second edition. I want to make my way through the entire book. I have not read the book in some time. If I do ever start reading it again I might have to start from the beginning. Or maybe I remember what I already learned from the book. Or I could take a quick look through what I already read as a refresher.

using Dr Racket is fun. I enjoyed the exercises I did. Most of the time when I first looked at an exercises I had no idea how to solve it. So I would sleep on it. And most of the time the next day or two I would have the answer. That is so fun solving a problem that I never thought I could solve.

Maybe one day I will read thought the entire book. If I never finish it at least I read some of the book. I hope to make my own programs with DR racket. Or maybe I won’t. Who knows?

Writing tests in Dr. scheme and have them pass is also fun. Yes, indeed.

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