I have not been playing retro bowl well

I thought I had extreme difficulty retro bowl figured out. I was playing 3 games a day and winning sometimes 2 and occasionally 3 games a day.

And then about a week ago or maybe 2 weeks ago it all unraveled. On the slant or fly pattern the linebacker can jump up and intercept the ball. And that seems new to me.

And also I have not been taking care of the ball. I have been throwing interception after interception. The harder I try not to throw an interception it seems the more interceptions I throw.

And when I do have I drive I throw an interception in the end zone or my receiver fumbles.

I don’t know if I will ever win an extreme difficulty retro bowl game again. My last loss was 69-3. Ouch. I will keep trying to play better.

I am still reading godot from zero to proficiency

foundations. I have made it past chapter 4 so I have completed the maze game environment. And it was fun creating the walls right in godot itself. And I even learning how to add a player from the asset library.

After I completed the game I started thinking gee I wish it had music, or footstep sounds, or enemies or a timer, or coins to collect, or an end.

One project in the book at the end of chapter 4 is to make a maze design in an image editor and make a game out of it. And that is what I hope to do. What I hope to do and what will get done are two different things but, its a fun idea.

I not only want to make the environment I also want to add in extra features. I will try.

I learned about Discmaster

from an MIT newsletter I get. Discmaster is a website where I can look at old software. I don’t know if I will ever look at the old software but, I want to remember the website because it does seem interesting to me.

I often wonder if learning to use a computer was a good

or bad idea on my part. Was my life better before the internet. Is my life better because I use the internet? Do I do anything worthwhile on the internet? Do I spend to much time on the internet? Do I like the internet?

Sometimes I like that I use the internet and think well at least I made songs and did some other things and at other times I wish I would quit the internet today because I think I have wasted my time and would be better of doing something else.

Maybe the internet makes some people’s lives better and sometimes I think that it has even made my life better. Thats what I think.

There already is a game called flappy bat

But, I still want to take flappy bird and change it. I thought I could make it take place in a cave. Make the bird into a bat, add music.

At least it would give me a game project. I thought I could have stalactites and stalagmites as the obstacles instead of pipes.

I want a game project so I will try doing something like this.

Since I made a flappy bird clone

I though oh, I could make different obstacles instead of pipes. Maybe I could make the obstacles street lamps. Or maybe them move. I could add music. I could make it take place at night time.

Flappy bird is another game I like. Its not hard to learn how to play and sometimes a gameplay only takes seconds.

Maybe I could make a flappy bird clone with different levels. I am sure there are an endless variety of things I could do.

Maybe I cloud have a bat instead of a bird and call it flappy bat. Or what about making the obstacles trees.

I like that bat idea.

I don’t know if I will make changes to a flappy bird game or not but, I have thought about it. It might be doable for me.

I still want to learn machine learning

Recently I finished reading machine learning for dummies 2nd edition. I did not run any of the code in the book. It was the 2nd time I had read that edition of the book.

I have wanted to do machine learning for years and have nothing to show for it. And I want something to show for it. So hopefully I will start doing some machine learning.

Or maybe I won’t.

I like to cook but, what do I want to learn to cook

I used to make coffee cake, pumpkin pie, sugar cookies, pizza. Those things are probably all I made. Waid I used to cook Cornish hens. Those were good with lots of salt. Yummy. Or were the Ganish hens, maybe I even baked a cake or two.

I know I said in another post that I wanted to learn about what other people eat in the rest of the world. However there is so much to learn and cook books well some of them can be long. But, I think I can read a cook book all the way through even though I have never read one all the way through.

Oh, and I have wanted to build a solar oven. Now how fun would that be to be able to cook a meal without using electricity.

I don’t think I would ever want to cook using the engine of a car. Or maybe I would. I don’t know.

One day I want to try out for drone racing leauge

I have watched a few drone racing league events on television. And to me it looks impossible what they are doing flying drones around a course.

Sometimes drone racing league has tryouts or at least they did. And one day I think it would be cool to play there simulator and see if I am a good enough drone pilot to make it.

I have never flown a drone. I do hope to one day make and fly my own drone. I like learning about electronics.

I don’t know if I will ever try out for drone racing league but, I have always thought about it. It seems fun and a good challenge.

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