I now know how to trace an

image with the biezer tool in insckape. I learned how to do that from a tjfree video tutorial. And its loads of fun. In that same tutorial I learned about pixabay. Which is a website that has some free for commercial use images that I can use to trace images in inkscape.

I was so excited about learning how to trace an image in inskscape that I made my first project in inkscape. It was a blast.

So now I know how to trace images in inkscape, where to get free commercial use fonts at pixabay and where to get free commercial use fonts at font squirrel.

Let the art begin!!!

Let me talk about

crackers today. I might have written blog posts about them before but, I need something to write about and I thought crackers.

When I was younger my favorite type of crackers were gold fish crackers. Most of the time we would get cheddar gold fish crackers in the big carton. We put the box in the refrigerator after i opened them so they would not get soft.

My favorite flavor of gold fish crackers is Parmesan. I liked the green on the packaging. Very cool.

I also ate ritz crackers, cheese-its, saltines, triscuits, and wheat thins. And probably a lot of other types of crackers that I can’t remember.

Triscuits and wheat things are my other two types of crackers. I could eat them by the box. They are like bacon they make anything better.

When we grew a

garden years ago I don’t think I tried all the vegetables we grew. One of the vegetables we grew was radishes.

I don’t think I ever tried a radish. But, I did like to grow radishes because the grow in under a month. I wonder if I tried a radish and did not like it or I though well I don’t like radish’s so I am not going to eat one. I don’t know if I have ever eaten a radish.

One of my favorite vegetables to grow is onions. To grow them from seeds takes a long time. I did try to grow some onions from seed. I liked to grow onion bulbs or is it onion sets. They are little onions that all I had to do was plant in the ground. I don’t know how long it took them to grow.

Onions are on of the vegetables we grew that I ate. And wow they were strong. And they were good. The onion sets came in mesh bags. so fun to grow. I want to grow onion sets again. I have not eaten onions in a long time.


I am working through the data visualization course on kaggle. I am almost finished it. I am on the lesson that tells me how to add a dataset to a kernel. So I found a data set that had to do with ramen.

Now I never thought that kaggle would have a dataset that would have to do with ramen. Now I only need to figure out what plot I want to use and what I want that plot to display.

When I was younger I remember eating 2 packets of ramen at a time. I think that I ate either beef or chicken ramen. Two ramen’s at a time I can’t believe that.

I used to make it in the microwave. I remember one time. I don’t remember it that well but, I was taking the glass container of ramen I think into my room and dropped it.

And it broke and there must have been ramen all over the carpet. I think that happened but, I am not sure.

I don’t know how often I used to eat ramen but, I know I ate it when I was younger.

I am trying to

learn about graphic design. I figure it will help me use blender, gimp, and inkscape better.

The other day I looked up an article about t-short design. I have not read the article yet but, I did look at it and saw that there is a list of font websites in the article.

And I went to some of the font websites. I downloaded a font from font squirrel because the website says the fonts are free for commercial use.

I also learned how to use the fonts I downloaded in gimp. That was fun to learn how to use them in gimp. Which was fun.

So I hope to learn more about graphic design so I can make better projects.


I want to collect rainwater to water my plants instead of using water that comes from the city or the ground.

I don’t remember when I saw a what is it called a rainwater collection system for a garden. Maybe it was on the victory garden on pbs.

I mean how great is that I collect water that comes off a roof and use it to water my plants. Its free water that I don’t have to pay the city for or pay to have pumped out of the ground.

So I hope to one day have a rainwater collection system that I can water my plants with.

Have I got anything to write about

=today. I probably said this yesterday but, I am excited to learn how to use inkscape. And I am excited to learn about graphic design.

I wish I could learn a lot faster because I want to learn a lot of things. And it takes me to much time to learn things.

Graphic design

In addition to learning more about how to use gimp or inkscape I want to learn about graphic design.

I know next to nothing about graphic design and I want to know more. So I think that if I learn about graphic design the things that I make with inkscape will look better.

Just like I think learning about music theory has helped to make my songs better.

So I can’t wait to learn more about graphic design. At least I will give it a try.

I am sure glad that I found rc

Youtube channels. I did not watch my first rc youtube video until about a year ago. I just thought about that statement.

And I realized I had watched RC car action videos once in awhile. I used to get the RC car action newsletter. And everyone once in awhile they would have a video that I would want to watch. I remember watching a RC car action video of scratch built RC trucks driving around on a diorama type place. That was probably about 3 years ago.

Its so fun to learn about RC cars. There is so much I have to learn. I would rather watch a video than read.

I liked watching Tomley RC’s Tamiya Hilux video

Yesterday I watched a tomley RC where he talks about and then drives a Tamiya Hilux. I enjoyed watching the the Hilux bounce as it drove along the ground.

The video made me think of my Tamiya hornet. I got my hornet in 1992 so its only 10 years newer than the hilux. It made me wonder when I stopped driving my hornet. Maybe I stopped driving it 20 years ago. I can’t remember.

For me its so fun to learn about old RC cars like the Tamiya Hilux. Its makes me wonder if I were into RC cars in 1982 what kind of cool old RC cars would I still own.

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