Its been awhile since I learned a juggling trick

And there are a lot of juggling trucks to learn and I want to learn as many as I can. Since its fun to learn new things. Thow it takes me awhile to learn a new juggling trick.

And I also want to learn all the names of the juggling tricks I know. Let me see how many of the tricks I know I can name. Cascade, reverse cascade, columns, one up, the box, brooks barrage, clay motion, grace, windmill, behind the back. And there are a few I don’t know the name of.

I am not that great at most of those tricks I listed above. Probably the tricks I am best at are cascade and reverse cascade. I need lots more practice juggling that is for sure. I am not even sure how long I have been juggling. Maybe 3 years or more. Or at least 2 years.

I also want to learn how to juggle rings and clubs. And I also hope to get some juggling bean bags and juggling balls.

Right now I juggle with 3 crocheted juggling balls that my mom made for me.

One of the items I want to juggle are tennis balls

I saw a juggling video on the internet that I thought said not to juggle with tennis balls. But, on a taylor tries video about juggling around the world people in Afghanistan juggle with tennis balls because they don’t have anything else to juggle with.

So I think it would be fun to learn to juggle tennis balls. So hopefully that is something I will try in 2022.

I want to learn how to juggle more things

besides juggling balls. I might have written about this before. Oh, well I will write about it again. All that i know how to juggle now are juggling balls. And I want to expand to other things such as juggling rings and juggling clubs.

I also want to juggler other things such as baseballs, softballs, basketballs, tennis balls, and other things I can’t think of now.

I did not start juggling that long about but, I can’t remember the exact date when I started juggling. You would think I would remember something like the day I first started juggling. But, I don’t. Its a shame really.

I do think I am a lot better at juggling now than I was on the first day I started. I still have a long way to go and a lot of things to learn about juggling. I hope to have a lot of fun learning.

Behind the back juggling

I am trying to learn how to juggle behind the back. One day I thought i wonder if there is a way to juggle behind the back. So I used a search engine and found this Behind the back juggling video on youtube.

The first time I tired the behind the back juggling I was not sure if I could get the hacky sack over my shoulder. I managed to get it over my shoulder but, sometimes I threw the ball to far. And other times The ball would it my back and drop to the ground.

Later I realized that I need to look over my shoulder to see the ball. I did not notice that he looks over his shoulder when trying to catch the juggling ball. I have been able to catch the ball a few times. I am certain after enough practice I will get the truck. Its a cool trick.

I am OK at

reverse cascade and cascade juggling patters though I am not sure which pattern is which. So I will have to figure that out. I also want to learn other juggling patterns. I want to learn as many juggling patterns as I can.

I watched a video on yoyo juggling pattern. Its going to be a challenge to be able to perform that pattern. I will keep practicing.

I think I juggled everday last year

I can’t remember when I stated juggling. It might have been last year. But, it seems like 2018 was the year I started juggling. I think I am getting a little better. I hope one day that I can improve to the point where the juggling balls don’t hit the floor that much.

And maybe one day I can enter a juggling competition. Juggling is fun.


I enjoy juggling.  I wanted to juggle for years before I started juggling everyday. I remember the time I read a small article in a magazine about how to juggle. I got 3 tennis balls and tried to do what the article said.

I could not juggle at all. I was convinced that I could not juggle. There were people who could juggle and I was not one of those people. I was sad I am sure.

Fast forward to roughly a year ago. I wanted to juggle real bad. I had no juggling balls. So I ripped pages from old magazines I had and formed the pages into juggling balls. After first i used two pages per juggling ball, then I added another page for a total of 3 magazine pages for juggling ball.

I did not want to buy juggling balls because I did not know if I could juggle or even like juggling.

I also read a book about juggling. And I watched a juggling tutorial video. The book I read talked about cascade, reverse cascade and other types of juggling. Before I had only thought there was one way to juggle. I was wrong. One thing I saw in the book that I want to do is juggle on a unicycle. That looks fun.

It took me a long time to get good a juggling even one juggling ball. I practiced hard. Then I added another ball so I was juggling two balls. But, I only juggled the balls once then stopped. I could not keep the 2 balls going. I could not get my heard around how to keep the balls moving.

Eventually I got to the point where I could get two balls going. I still have trouble. I can now juggled 3 balls. Though not that good. Its so hard for me to juggle.

I like juggling because all I need are juggling balls and enough room to juggle them. Nothing more. And It keeps me moving around. Exercise.

I think it would be fun one day to enter a juggling competition. And also I want to be able to keep at least 3 juggling balls up in the air for say five minutes or 10 minutes or an hour. An hour might be pushing it.

Juggling is fun. I am glad I decided to juggle. I may never be the best. If I am never a good juggler at least I have a fun hobby.

So what if the juggling balls drop to the floor all the time. As long as juggling is fun I will keep juggling.

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