I am sure I have written about this before

But, since few people read this blog I am going to write about it again. I want to put RC cars on my youtube channel. And I also think it would be fun to livestream about RC cars on twitch. Maybe I could live stream myself building an RC cor. Or maybe restoring an RC car.

Anyway I want to do something with RC cars. Oh, yes and one day I want to own a RC car company. I hope.

In addition to working

Thorough the intermediate machine learning tutorial on kaggle I am now working through the pandas course.

The pandas course is fun so far. I have learned what a DateFrame is. Its a table. Instead of having the rows be names 0,1 ect I can put any values I want for the rows by using index.

And I also learned that a pandas set is like a row of a DataFrame. And I learned that the s is Set is capitalized.

I have know about

arxiv.org for awhile and yesterday I thought why not get some machine learning papers from arxiv and read them. I have gotten math papers from arxiv but, I never thought about getting machine learning or security papers from there. Seems interesting.

I am still working through

the Sudoku book I got in may. I am up to puzzle 48. But, I have not been able to solve 6 of the 48 Sudoku puzzles. I am up to the medium Sudoku puzzles. I thought oh, no maybe I could not solve the medium difficulty Sudoku puzzles. I was wrong.

I am not fast at solving them but, solve them I do. I want to learn more Sudoku solving techniques.

Maybe next year I

could have a goal to watch one movie a day and review it on internet movie database. I like watching movies. I would rather write my opinion of a movie than watch a movie review show or read a movie review.

I remember when I was younger I used to watch Siskel and Ebert. I don’t know when I started watching that show. I can’t read any other movie review shows I watched. I do remember liking rolling stone magazine movie reviews.

I want to get better

At capture the flag. I have found 2 flags. 2 flags are better than none but, i want to better better. I don’t know if playing capture the flag will make me a better ethical hacker. All I know is that I want to get better at capture the flag.

Blender basics lighthouse scene

This is the render of the light house scene I made while reading blender basics 5th edition. I used the blender internal render. I used blender 2.78.

I used a snow texture instead of a grass texture on the ground.

I try not to sign

up for to many emails but, for some reason I always end up with to many emails and spend to much time reading emails. And I don’t want to spend a lot of time reading emails. There are other things I can do. Machine learning, programming, playing video games, solving Sudoku puzzles, juggling. I don’t want to waste all my free time reading emails.

So I am figuring out what email newsletters I want to read and which email newsletters I can do without. I dream of the day that I spend 10 minutes reading emails and then I can do something I enjoy.

So I hope I can get my email inbox to have a lot less emails.

Years ago I

wanted to make a lot of vehicle 3d models in blender. And I did start at least one or two or maybe a few more vehicles in blender but, I have never made the number of cars I wanted to make.

Thinking about modeling vehicles in blender makes me feel excited. I wish I could make a huge number of vehicles. That is probably to much to do but, its fun think.

The firs car I modeled in blender was a corvette from a dark scarab tutorial. I modeled a lot of it but never finished it. Then there was a Honda car. It was a newer dark scarab tutorial. I did not get much of that car finished.

And I modeled a zaz 965 for awhile. That is one cute car. I got a lot of the zaz modeled but, never got it finished. I have also modeled a lot of a ford areomax while following a blender semi truck tutorial.

Right now I am working on a ford 1952 COE. I hope I get it finished. I hope the past is not an indication of my future vehicle modeling results in blender. I still want to model a lot of vehicles in blender.

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