This year as I am sure I have written before I want to learn astronomy

I think it would be so cool to go outside at night and have a telescope and spend time looking at stars. I need to do a lot of learning. I have no idea what stars are where.

Maybe I could even hunt for planets or discover things that no one else has discovered. Probably not but, it would be cool if I did.

I had a lot of years to look up at the sky but, I never did. And this year I want that to change. I hope to learn to use stellarium and read issues of astronomy magazine to help me learn about the night sky.

This year I hope to do a lot of star gazing

I have always wanted to star gaze but, have never done much star watching. I do think when I was very young that I looked through a telescope at the moon. At least I think it was the moon. I am not sure what I looked at exactly.

So I hope to learn how to use stellarium which is a program I learned about year ago from kim komando and even tried to use a little but, never have used it much nor have I gotten good at using it.

I am not sure what I want to star gaze at. Could I look for exoplantets, the moon, asteroids, the planets of this solar system.

Do I want to get a telescope, or use binoculars or both? Do I want to take astronomy pictures? I remember in a book I read about gimp that it had how to take astronomy pictures and then enhance them with gimp.

I figure I do wan to learn to take astronomy pictures. But, astronomy pictures of what I am not sure. Maybe I could start with pictures of the moon.

I figure if I start watching the sky and learn more about it I will figure out what I am interested in. But, I must start star gazing first. So that is one thing I hope to do this year.

One day I want to build a telescope

I don’t know if I have ever wrote about it on this blog. I have used a telescope when I was younger but, I did not use it that long.

I am not sure what I would look at through the telescope. I am sure I would find something. I don’t know if I will ever be able to build one but, its fun thinking that one day I want to.

Another citizen science project I might try

I read an article about helping to find exoplanets by extremetech. It seems like it might be harder to do then identify Terrain on mars. But, how cool would it be to help find an exoplanet. I think it would be very cool.

I wonder if I ever helped find an exoplanet if I could get it named after me. Probably not. Though its fun to think of having an exoplanet named after me.

I read an article

by extremetech about helping to identify pictures for Mars Perseverance rover. You have to identify the Terrain for the rover which will help its AI so the rover can move around on mars. I think. Any way I thought how cool. Its hosted on zooniverse.

I had have known about zooniverse for awhile and always wanted to sign up for it. And this time I finally did. I went through the tutorial for how to identify the terrain. The tutorial does not take long to go through.

To me marking out the terrain for a mars rover seems exciting. But, it also makes me wonder will I be able to mark the pictures right? Or will I be terrible at it. So I want to give identifying the terrain in the pictures a try and see if I am any good at it.

And another thing I like about it is that I get to look at pictures of mars

I have not learned much about astronomy this year.

I always like the idea of building my owl backyard telescope so I can observe stars. And I also want to learn more about the stars. Its fascinating stuff.

And I also like the idea of having something to go outside at night and observe in the sky. And maybe I could even take astronomy pictures.

So maybe I will get to some of those goals this year. I hope I do. I won’t be surprised if I don’t. At least I get the excitement of thinking about building my own telescope.

One of the things I think

would be exciting to observe is sun spots. Astronomy for dummies talked about how to observe sunspots. I thought that would be fun something having to do with Astronomy that I can observe during the day time.

I have not learned much about Astronomy since I read Astronomy for dummies. And I consider that a bad thing. The stars will learn themselves. I have to put in the work if I want to become an Astronomer.

I have not made much headway

in learning astronomy this year. I have read astronomy for dummies. And I am sure I have said before on this blog that one day I hope to build a telescope.

I get excited thinking about staying up at night and watching stars. I have never done that. I never noticed the stars that much and wondered what I am looking at. Maybe I thought astronomy is to hard for me. maybe I thought it was something I could not learn.

I don’t know much about astronomy yet. But, as I said I do find it exciting to stay up at night and go look at stars. So exciting thinking about it.

Thinking about

going outside at night and staying out all night while looking up the stars is exciting. I have no idea what stars I am looking at.

Its so energizing to look up at the stars. The air is crisp. If I had lights on a radio control car I could drive it while taking breaks looking at stars. Maybe it wold be good put put red lights on the radio control car.

I have never spent a whole night star gazing. That is something I want to do. I wonder if I would fall asleep. I would be to excited to fall asleep.

Maybe I could go to be early so I got up early to star gaze. So that I would not have to spend all night looking at stars.

Its exciting to think about. Dad I say that already? Yes I did. Repeating myself again.

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